Low-carbon built environment opportunities in the Arctic region – collaboration between Norway and Finland
Business matchmaking and discussions for green construction in Tromsø 29th of October

- 29. October 2024
ProTromsø together with Business Finland and the Embassy of Finland hosted 29th of October a seminar and business matchmaking between Norwegian and Finnish contruction companies in Tromsø.

Together with Finnish partners Arctic Construction Cluster Finland and BusinessOulu and Norwegian partners Troms Chamber of Commerce we organized a visit for a group of 15 Finnish companies to Tromsø. The purpose of the visit was to identify business collaboration opportunities between Norwegian and Finnish companies, with specific focus on the Northern areas of both countries.

To open the seminar ambassador Teemu Tanner welcomed the companies along with honorary consul Nina Hansen, CEO of JM Hansen.
Lena Bratsberg from Forsvarsbygg (The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency) presented the Norwegian Governments’ newly released «Forsvarsløftet» in her presentation titled «Construction activity in Northern Norway: Exploring possibilities within sustainability and Nordic collaboration».
Kvale Advokatfirma followed up on the new EU regulations supporting/pushing for transition to low-carbon construction solutions.
Erling Dalberg and Sofia Henriksson from Troms Kraft and Ishavskraft presented the energy need for Northern Norway and how we can most efficiently use the available power supplies in the Northern regions.
Before the B2B-meetings started we rounded up the seminar with a panel discussion led by moderator Gøril Johansen from ProTromsø titled «Teaming up in the Northern Norwegian and Finnish construction markets: Panel discussion with regional business network representatives». The panel consisted of
Nils Kristian Sørheim, Director of the North Norway European Office, Willy Ørnebakk, from Grensetjenesten between Norway and Finland, Elina Yli-Luukko, manager of the Arctic Construction Cluster Finland, Toni Mustonen from Bring Finland, and Tom Høgli, project manager for Arctic Race of Norway.

Site-visit to SIVA and Vervet 30th of October
The delegation was invited by ProTromsø and Business Oulu as a part of Team Nordic Arctic for a full day program the 30th of October. The delegation was welcomed by Asbjørn Lilletun, CEO of Norinnova incubator located at SIVA’s existing innovation center in Breivika. The new extension of the innovation park in Tromsø consists of three new buildings connecting the existing structure. The build has gained recognition for being the Northern-most BREEM certified building in the world. Here we met Roy Heggelund from the entrepreneur Consto and Joanna Pawlidis, architect from Hamperokken.

The delegation was then invited to have a first-hand look at one of the finished buildings, where it was opened up for discussions on choice of materials, architectural decisions and other considerations related to sustainable construction and the BREEM-certification.

After the site-visit, we returned to the northern part of Tromsø to the newest addition to the city centre called Vervet. General manager in NODA (Northern Norway Design and Architectural Center) Kjersti Monsen told us about the history, construction and architecture of the town. One of which is the historical Maskinverkstedet, which is the city’s old ship workshop, originally built in 1911, now turned into a high-end restaurant.

The Team Nordic Arctic is a project funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Arktis 2030. The goal of the project, led by ProTromsø, is to strengthen the North Nordic region through business collaborations. The project aims to enhance the cooperation between Norway, Sweden and Finland in the Arctic by applying Norwegian know-how on Arctic society, business, and knowledge.
The overall goal of the project is enhanced Nordic cooperation in the High North in difficult times. We aim to strengthen the Arctic communities in the Nordic countries through sustainable business development, recruitment of youth talents and the inclusion of indigenous people and minorities. One of the main work packages includes Arctic Business Matchmaking in each of the three partnering countries, held in Oulu, Finland, Umeå, Sweden and Tromsø, Norway.
If you wish to hear more about participating in the project or in the B2B matchmakings, please contact project manager Julie-Helene D. Sørensen at julie@protromso.com